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Sponsorship Invitation Copy


Invitation to Become a Promotional Sponsor For Our Upcoming Global Online Summit


Dear Mariko & The Team at Order of The Sacred Earth,


My name is Michelle Avis. My husband Rob and I are engineers, authors, and owners of the well recognized permaculture company, Verge Permaculture. In May of this year our newest book, co-authored by Takota Coen, called Building your Permaculture Property, will be released. 


In celebration we are hosting a three day live, online global permaculture summit - April 23rd, 24th, and 25th. This event will feature some of the world’s biggest names in permaculture including: Geoff Lawton, Ben Falk, Peter Bane, Richard Perkins, Morag Gamble, Starhawk and more. View the registration page here:


We currently have over 3,000 people registered for the summit, and are aiming for 100,000 impressions through marketing campaigns and over 15,000 final total registrations. 


I know you’re busy so I will keep it brief. We are looking for trusted companies / organizations that are interested in supporting this event as a Promotional Partner.


I realize it may be late for adding a sponsorship to your marketing budget and so our ask is quite simple.... Are you willing to send out 2-3 announcements within the 7-10 days leading up to the summit to your social media channels and/or email list? In exchange we will feature your company as a Promotional Partner.


As a Promotional Partner your name will be featured alongside our other supporters including Mother Earth News Fair, Young Agrarians, Permaculture Research Institute, Permaculture Institute of North America, Acres USA, Regenerative Skills Podcast, Manitoba Forage Grazing Association, Yonder as well as our publisher and lead sponsor New Society Publishers. See the current list of participating companies on the Summit page


In exchange for your support we will:

  1. Include your company logo along with our other sponsors in the sponsor section of the Summit landing page and registration Thank you page.

  2. Give your company verbal and visual sponsor recognition during the summit. Your logo will appear along with no more than three other sponsors on a sponsor plate during one of the keynote speaker talks. Rob, Takota or I will mention your company and thank you for your contribution to the summit. 

  3. Include your company logo along with our other sponsors at the bottom of 1-3 newsletters leading up to the summit. 

  4. Send you a Marketing Toolkit that will include swipe copy, newsletter and social media blurbs, as well as links to our landing pages so you can help us get the word out about the event.


You can find out more about us on our website or through our YouTube channel that currently has more than 47,000 subscribers. 


Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions and I look forward to hearing back from you!




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