In this episode, we speak with the editors of Shimanchu Nu Kwii Magazine - a community-led publication centering Shimanchu voices and stories throughout the diaspora. Join us in conversation with Sherry Schafer, Karen Tengan Okuda, and Carol Nakadomari who share their vision and inspiration for the magazine along with their personal journeys connecting to their Shimanchu roots. Please consider supporting this volunteer-led work by making a donation at ko-fi.com/shimanchumag and ordering the latest issue at shimanchumag.carrd.co. For more information on how you can get involved, contact shimanchumag@gmail.com.
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Show Notes:
Interview with Marisa Kaneshiro (she/her)
Facebook: Marisa Kaneshiro
Twitter: @Undinewildwood
Shimanchu nu Kwii
Shimanchu nu Kwii Editors not present during the interview, June Owatari and Kay Yonaha Colbridge
Website: shimanchumag.carrd.co
Instagram: www.instagram.com/shimanchumag
Donate: ko-fi.com/shimanchumag
Issue 1 (PDF): Download Here
Issue 1 (Print): Purchase Here
Issue 2 (PDF): Download Here
Issue 2 (Print): Purchase Here
Issue 2 (PDF Brazil): Download Here
Issue 2 (Print Brazil): Purchase Here
GEOki the Study Group at the University of São Paulo: https://www.instagram.com/geokiusp
Teiko Yonaha Tursi, Okinawa Times Articles (coming soon!)
Guest Speakers Sherry Schafer (she/her)
Instagram: www.instagram.com/haisai_uchinaaguchi
Karen Tengan Okuda (she/her)
Instagram: www.instagram.com/haisaikaren
Carol Nakadomari (she/her)
Instagram: www.instagram.com/nakadomari_
Ippee nifee debiru (thank you very much!) to Dany Hokama (Argentina) for providing this episode's music ‘Sanshin Nu Takara’ featuring Shimanchu artists Kaley Kinjo (Canada), Brandon Ing (Hawaii), John Azama (Peru), and Gus Hokama (Argentina)! Links for our musicians can be found at the following:
Dany Hokama (Argentina)
Instagram: www.instagram.com/danyhokama
Bandcamp: https://danyhokama.bandcamp.com/
Kaley Kinjo (Canada)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kaleykinjo/
Bandcamp: https://bandcamp.com/tag/kaley-kinjo
Brandon Ing (Hawaii)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brandoningmusic/
Bandcamp: https://brandoning.bandcamp.com/
John Azama (Peru) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/johnnynchu/ Bandcamp: https://bandcamp.com/tag/john-azama
Gus Hokama (Argentina) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gus_hokama/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/13Ox5vaf4Q6h4LUEP9LMj8
And as always, nifee deebiru to Brandon Ufugusuku Ing for the music for the fun fact!
Bandcamp: https://brandoning.bandcamp.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/brandoningmusic
Oki Phrase of the Day / Oki Fun Fact of the Day:
We love the diversity of the Ryukyuan diaspora and the many places we call home. Did you know that Toyama Kyuzo, from Kin Town, is known as the “father of Okinawan emigration” and is buried in the Mililani Memorial Park & Mortuary on Oʻahu? He led the first immigrants, who landed in Hawai'i on January 8, 1900. This began the migration to Hawaiʻi, the Philippines, and North, South, and Central America.
Currently, the largest Ryukyuan diaspora resides in Japan, followed closely by Brazil. The United States and Peru also have sizeable populations. But even places like Bolivia, Taiwan, Palau, Philippines, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Ecuador, Paraguay, Cuba, Micronesia, and New Caledonia have a decent number of Ryukyuans residing there from different parts of Ryukyuan migration history.
Huge thank you to Emma Anderson and Joseph Kamiya for their audio editing and mastering.
Donations to Ichariba Choodee are very much appreciated!