Episode #4!
Accompany co-hosts Erica and Tori as they talk with guest speakers Tadashi Andres Ysa Urbina and Andres Higa. Norly Endo is our English and Español translator for our first bilingual episode!
We are grateful for Tadashi and Andres joining us because they are the creators of the Worldwide Uchinanchu Student Summit, World Uchinanchu Day on October 30th, and International Nikkei Day on June 20th.
Learn with us as they share how they began their journey together and conceptualized W.U.S.S and how you can be involved in this international program ... and of course, we’ll end with our Okinawa fun fact of the day!
Listen to us on:
or... click the link below to listen!
Show Notes:
To learn more about Tadashi: https://wun.jp/en/column/tadashi-andres-isa
To learn more about Andres: https://wun.jp/en/column/andres-higa
W.U.S.S Committee: https://www.instagram.com/wuss.committee/
More about the Uchina Network Concierge: https://wun.jp/en/article/1144
International Day of Nikkei: http://www.jadesas.or.jp/en/taikai/international-day.html
World Uchinanchu Day: https://wun.jp/en/wud
For more information for the Kempi Program from the Okinawa Association of America: https://oaamensore.wordpress.com/2018/08/02/okinawa-kempi-scholarship-2019/ - All Kenjinkai in the US and Abroad will have their own “Kempi” they send to Okinawa.
More about the Kempi Program: https://wun.jp/en/about/ct/receiving_students
Worldwide Uchina Network: https://wun.jp/en/
Okinawa Prefectural Government: https://www.pref.okinawa.lg.jp/site/chijiko/kohokoryu/foreign/english/index.html
Tadashi Andres Ysa Urbina (He/Him):
Facebook: facebook.com/tadashihut
Instagram: instagram.com/tadashiandresysa/
Andres Higa (He/Him):
Facebook: facebook.com/andres.higa.144
Instagram: instagram.com/andres.higa.144/
Norly Endo (She/Her):
Instagram: instagram.com/nry7/
Ippee nifee debiru (thank you very much!) to the Eisa Club of Meio University (名桜大学) providing this episode's music! The intro song is Kudaka Manjyushu. The ending song is Toshin-doi which was used to bid farewell to ships leaving Naha Harbor.
Insta: instagram.com/meio_eisa/
Twitter: twitter.com/meio_eisa.
And as always, nifee deebiru to Brandon Ufugusuku Ing for the music for the fun fact!
Bandcamp: https://brandoning.bandcamp.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/brandoningmusic
Oki Phrase of the Day / Oki Fun Fact of the Day:
Huge thank you to Joseph Kamiya and Emma Anderson for audio editing and mastering.
Donations to Ichariba Choodee are very much appreciated!